Economics 126: Economic Development | Fall 2017, Fall 2022
Study of economic development in low-income countries. Development thinking on role of market vs. the state; interaction of civil, political and economic spheres; quantification of social and economic aspects of development; incidence of poverty; industrialization; agricultural transformation; land, labor and credit allocation in rural environments; the household as an allocation mechanism; and environmental challenges of development.
Economics 107: Applied Econometrics | Fall 2017, Fall 2021, Fall 2022
This course teaches quantitative methods for testing economic models, with a focus on linear regression analysis and casual inference. The key focus is the design and implementation of an empirical research paper. The course develops the student’s understanding and analysis of data through frequent empirical assignments.
Economics 154: Game Theory for Economists | Spring 2018, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023
Introduces the main tools of noncooperative game theory as used in current economics literature. Topics include formalities of modeling competitive situations, various solution concepts such as Nash equilibrium and its refinements, signaling games, repeated games under different informational environments, bargaining models, issues of cooperation and reputation. Applications from economics, politics, law, corporate and business strategy. Lecture, discussion, problem sets, exams.
Economics 190: Empirical Micro, Senior Seminar | Spring 2018, Fall 2022
Analysis of selected problems in economics.